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city of liberty hill design standards

Minor Plat, Final Plat or Amending Plat. A. The base flood elevation plus one foot. Typical uses include boarding stables or public stables. In addition to any other remedy provided in this Code or any other ordinance of this City and cumulative thereof, the City shall have the power by resolution of the City Council to cause any of the work or improvements required to be completed by the owner or applicant under the provisions of this Code to be undertaken by the City on the account of the owner of the property on which work or improvements are done; and the City shall cause the expense thereof to be assessed upon the real estate or lot upon which such expense is incurred and/or shall place a lien on said property. A. On-Premises Sign. Establishments or places of business primarily engaged in the retail sale of food (with incidental sale of beer and wine) or household products for home consumption. The landowner or developer shall ensure that all of the facilities constructed in accordance with the requirements of this Code will perform and remain in good working order and in accordance with the design performance criteria of each such facility, for one (1) year commencing on the date of approval of final completion by the City Administrator or his designee. Nonconforming uses are lawful uses within a zoning district that do not conform to the requirements of this Code when it is adopted, or when any amendments thereto, take effect. Williamson County has established criteria for review and approval for an on-site wastewater permit application. Principal Use. This policy may be further defined and supplemented by other codes adopted by the City. The area of a horizontal plane bounded by the front, side, and rear lot lines, but not including any area occupied by the waters of a recorded river or stream segment. The total land area covered by all principal and accessory structures on a site, including projections, shall be considered in determining lot coverage except the following: Eaves projecting less than 2.5 feet from a building. An accessory use as a personal service or profession or use customarily conducted within a dwelling carried on by a resident thereof, which does not change the residential character of the dwelling. Stabilization. When the City Council determines there is a failure to comply with any term, condition, or requirement that was a condition of the approval of a variance or special use permit, the City Council may direct the City Administrator, City Attorney, or another agent or official to suspend the variance or special use permit pending compliance with the terms, conditions, or requirements under which the variance or special use permit was approved. The existing configuration of the earths surface including the relative relief, elevation, and position of land features. 3. Trees that should be removed because they pose a safety risk; 2. After receiving an application for recognition of vested rights, the City Administrator shall review the application and approve, deny or request additional information to be provided by the applicant for consideration within twenty (20) working days. Typical uses include federal, state, county, and city offices. A. Applicability. Such signs may include, but shall not be limited to: seasonal holidays such as Christmas or Easter, school or religious activities, sports boosters, or events of community interest. Floor Area, Gross. An outdoor facility or enclosed building that receives municipal solid waste and/or rubble from collection vehicles and reloads the materials into trailers or other containers for the purpose of transporting it to a processing or final disposal facility. The Minimum Lot Width is the minimum width of a lot (in feet), measured parallel to and along the front property line. D. That the conditions applicable to approval are the minimum necessary to minimize potentially unfavorable impacts on nearby uses and ensure compatibility with existing or permitted uses in the same district and the surrounding area, and that the prescribed Site Development Regulations do not provide enough mitigation of the impacts identified, thus warranting stricter standards, if so recommended. C. Compatibility with existing or permitted uses on abutting sites, in terms of building height, bulk, scale, setbacks and open spaces, landscaping and site development, and access and circulation features. The application fee required for all policy or legislative applications is not refundable. The Park zoning district covers publicly and privately-owned parks facilities. Recommendations regarding the Code text amendments shall be made by the Planning and Zoning Commission. (4) Transfer of required parkland dedication in one subdivision to another location owned by the same subdivider within one-half mile of the proposed subdivision. B. This district is intended to provide for low intensity, limited impact industrial uses, which may include office warehousing, wholesaling, product assembly and light manufacturing conducted primarily within the confines of a building. To promote the aesthetics, safety, health, morals and general welfare, and the assurance of protection of adequate light and air by regulation of the position, displaying, erection, use and maintenance of signs; C. To promote the efficient transfer of general public and commercial information through the use of signs; D. To enhance the overall appearance and economic value of the landscape, and preserve the unique natural environment that distinguishes the City and surrounding area. Topography. Prior to submission of an application, a preapplication conference between the applicant and the City Administrator is recommended. Chapters 211 and 212 of the Texas Local Government Code together with the general police powers of municipalities empower the City to adopt this Unified Development Code. Contact. Nonconforming Sign. A type of multifamily dwelling with a common entrance and common amenities, such as garages, yards, and utilities. The City Administrator shall consider any other conditions that may arise as a result of the temporary use. Such requirements must be sufficient to permit the Administrator to effectively review the application and for the final approving authority to render an informed decision. C. Modifications to nonconforming lighting fixtures shall also comply with this Chapter. Action on Permit. D. Downtown development should be clean, under any scenario. Any claim of right made under any law or authority, other than Chapter 245 or 43.002, shall be made to the City Administrator in writing. Notification of the expiration of regulations shall be provided to the applicant as part of the notification of approval of the development-related permit. The owner of any premises on which there is displayed or maintained an abandoned sign or abandoned supporting structure shall comply with the following requirements: 1. J. There must be a rough proportionality between the traffic impacts created by a new development and requirements placed on the property owner or applicant for new development to dedicate and improve off-site, abutting and internal street rights-of-way to City standards. H. Upon submission of an application, the City Administrator will determine whether the application is complete, as described in Chapter 3. The site plan shall indicate conformance with any applicable provisions of this Code. Information regarding format requirements and submittal materials required for the application will be made available by the City Administrator in advance of any application. A. Applicability. Regulations on commercial development should be intelligently crafted, so as to encourage economic development by providing predictability, continuity, and protection for investments that would be enhanced by orderly and attractive growth. All future or ongoing development approvals or permits, including any plat-related approval, shall comply with the PUD general development plan in addition to the Citys Comprehensive Plan. The City Council, at time of site plan approval, may reduce buffer widths and required plantings by up to fifty percent (50%) if the site plan indicates berming, alternate landscaping, walls, opaque fence or topographic features, which will meet or exceed the buffer yard objectives of this section and are designed to complement adjacent properties. When a TIA is required, the type and scope of the study shall be determined during a scoping meeting with the City Administrator or his designee. I. B. Pedestrian/Vehicle Separation. Fiscal surety can be in the form of a line of credit or Assurance of Bonds. The City Administrator shall have the authority to request any pertinent information required to ensure compliance with this Code. Compliance with the general development plan and development agreement or ordinance governing the parcel of land to which the site plan is related. That the property cannot be used for its highest and best use. NGVD. Uplands Zone. 2. F. The City Council shall serve as the final action authority for all development-related applications listed in Section 2.03.07(B) above, and as indicated throughout this Code. A. Full compliance with the standards contained within this Code must be obtained before the issuance of a building repair, plumbing or electrical permit for any structure on a lot within a subdivision within the jurisdiction of the City. They include such features as bluffs, springs, canyon rim rocks, caves, sinkholes and wetlands. Unified Development Code Text Amendment. A building containing one (1) dwelling unit only. Wireless Transmission Facilities are allowed, without a Conditional Use Permit, on existing towers or tanks, utility, lighting standard, sign support or other appropriate structures provided that the antenna or related equipment or structures do not exceed, by 10 feet, the lesser of the height of the structure or the height limits of the highest permitted structure in the district in which it is located. The vertical dimension measured from finished grade to the highest point of the thing being measured. D. Geometric Design. ], B. The City Engineer may at his professional discretion (and approval by City Council) issue a waiver to this requirement. A. C. The lawful use of the building at the time of the passage of this ordinance may be continued although such does not conform to the provisions hereof, and such use may be extended throughout the building provided no structural alterations except those required by law or ordinance are made therein. Historic Area Work Permit. (h) When an area is required to be dedicated, the city may require a cash payment in lieu of dedication or parkland. Marquee Sign. The purpose of These standards exist in order [sic] is to achieve a minimum level of quality, compatibility and environmental protection in new and existing developments while maintaining significant flexibility in site layout and design. C. The City Council shall, if requested in writing by the permit holder, hold a public hearing no later than forty-five (45) days after notification is sent to the permit holder of the variance or special use permit of its intent to suspend. It shall be unlawful for any person to perform any work on the site pursuant to the site plan unless and until a new application for site plan approval has been filed and processed in accordance with the provisions of this Code and the City Council grants approval of a new final site plan that remedies the violations of the original site plan. Policy- or legislative-related applications for permits required for a particular project may occur in any order, but shall be sequenced so that when final actions occur, each approval provides any requisite requirement for a subsequent related approval. Typical uses include winery, sheet metal shop, welding shop and machine shop. The purpose of this district is to provide for development of quality multiple-family living in a moderately dense setting, at a density not to exceed 10 units per acre. An area of land bounded by streets, or by a combination of streets and public parks, cemeteries, railroad rights-of-way, banks of waterways, or municipal boundary lines. Plans indicating the location, type, and height of lighting fixtures including both building mounted and ground mounted fixtures; B. Rezoning to the PUD district requires a specific PUD ordinance and a General Development Plan from the property owner. Any minor plat, replat, amending plat, preliminary plat, final plat, concept plan (approved pursuant to previous Subdivision Regulations) or Detailed Development Plan (approved pursuant to previous Subdivision Regulations) that is dormant in accordance with the provisions of Texas Local Government Code 245.005 will expire within the provision for expiration described in the most current version of Texas Local Government Code 245.005. PROFESSIONAL OFFICE. FOOD SALES. It may be a loop street or may link local and/or collector streets. Adult Service Business means an adult encounter parlor, adult retreat, nude modeling studio, or a commercial enterprise that holds itself out to be primarily in the business of offering a service that is distinguished or characterized by an emphasis on depicting, describing, or relating to specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas. K. The City Administrator may establish procedures for administrative review necessary to ensure compliance with this Code and state law. A stream which that [sic] has a period of zero flow for at least one week during most years. Prior to any excavation, clearing, or other land alteration for the purpose of development within the City limits an applicant must submit a site plan for approval and issuance of a site development permit under this section. Outparcel. Administrative decisions. Any subdivision design and improvement standards adopted by the City pursuant to Texas Local Government Code 212.002 or Texas Local Government Code 212.044, governing plats and subdivision of land within the Citys jurisdiction to promote the health, safety, morals, or general welfare of the City and the safe, orderly, and healthful development of the City. Lots fronting on two or more Streets are allowed the permitted sign area for each Street Frontage, with signs facing a maximum of two Streets. Responsibility of Subdividers Engineer. No sign may hereafter be erected, moved, added to, or structurally altered within the City or the ETJ without a permit issued by the City Administrator in conformity with the provisions of this Section and Section 6.12 of this Code. In these cases, consideration of the application continues, however the application becomes eligible for final action upon written request of the applicant. Where development phasing or constraints of the land prevent the provision of a second, separate means of access, the City may, in its sole discretion, accept a temporary street connection, or median divided street or entry to satisfy this requirement. Review and Approval. J. Surveys submitted for review and Flood Elevation Certificates are required to be referenced to NGVD. B. No such extension shall be granted unless fiscal surety, as set forth above, has been provided by the landowner or developer covering the extended period of time. Typical uses include recreational vehicle parks. Canopy. A building, or portion thereof, containing three (3) or more dwelling units. Impervious surfaces on a lot include buildings, driveways, garages, porches, patios, private walks, accessory buildings, and any other impervious surfaces constructed on the lot. Damage of any origin sustained by a structure whereby the cost of restoring the structure to its beforedamaged-condition would equal or exceed 50% of the market value of the structure before the damage occurred. Table 3-2: Expiration of Inactive Permits or Approvals. MEDICAL OFFICES. 2. C. It shall be unlawful to offer and cause to be recorded any Preliminary Plat of land within the City limits or extraterritorial jurisdiction of Liberty Hill with the County Clerk by any party other than the City Administrator or another duly authorized representative of the City of Liberty Hill. No release of any posted fiscal surety shall occur until the City has formally accepted the constructed improvements that are the subject of such surety. Civic use types include the performance of utility, educational, recreational, cultural, medical, productive, governmental, and other uses which are strongly vested with public or social importance. A. The floor area ratio requirements, as set forth under each zoning district, shall determine the maximum floor area allowable for the building or buildings (total floor area of both principal and accessory buildings) in direct ratio to the gross area of the zoning area. These signs may not be posted earlier than three weeks before and must be removed within one day after the event; 10. Such signs shall be placed only by: units of local, state or federal governments; nonprofit organizations; schools, the chamber of commerce; or normally recognized religious organizations. All new territory hereinafter annexed to the City shall have the Agriculture (AG) zoning district classification. A type of multifamily housing. Lot. Compliance with any additional site plan approval criteria required under Chapter 5 [6] of this Code, or any additional approval criteria for overlay districts, or any site plan approval criteria adopted as part of a neighborhood or special area plan. Fiscal surety is for the purpose of securing the estimated cost of completing capital improvements, should the City find it necessary to complete the improvements instead of the landowner or developer. The prevention of soil movement by any of various vegetative and/or structural means of soil movement. Off-street Loading Facilities. Typical uses include wholesale plant nurseries and greenhouses. Provision of fuel, lubricants, parts and accessories, and incidental services to motor vehicles. ii. 2. Front setbacks adjacent to streets in the Downtown Overlay district shall be similar to the nearest existing adjacent principal structure on the same street. The size, location, and number of signs on the Lot conform to the requirements of Tables 6-2, 6-3, Number, Dimensions, and Location of Individual Signs by Zoning District., Table 6-3 Number, Dimensions and Location of Individual Signs by Zoning District. H. Responsibility for Final Action. I. The preliminary plan must be approved prior to the final plat approval. A statement that the City Attorney and City Council or its designee shall review progress pursuant to the consent agreement at least once every twelve (12) months to determine if there has been demonstrated good faith compliance with the terms of the consent agreement. All findings and conclusions necessary to the permit or decision (crucial findings) shall be based upon reliable evidence. Base Flood (Elevation)(BFE). A sign that is freestanding and whose primary purpose is to give directions to parking lots, exits, entrances, drive-through windows or similar locations. G. Park (PARK). This section shall not extend the time of validity for any permit. The parties may suggest persons, organizations or governmental units that should be requested to participate. Unified Development Code Text Amendment. Standards for the placement and anchoring of manufactured housing apply in this district. Where complete separation of pedestrians and vehicles and bicycles is not possible, potential hazards shall be minimized by the use of techniques such as special paving, grade separations, pavement marking, signs or striping, bollards, median refuge areas, traffic calming features, landscaping, lighting or other means to clearly delineate pedestrian areas, for both day and night use. The grade of the finished ground level at the midpoint of each exterior surface of a sign, or that of a structure to which a sign has been attached. Any base zoning district in the downtown overlay can be conditionally upzoned to C-2, following the procedures and criteria for a conditional use permit. Mobile Home Park.. Any site, lot, parcel, or tract of land that is improved, used, or intended for the accommodation of mobile homes that are used for living purposes. ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES. Historic Landmark. Logo. A person to whom development rights are transferred and all persons who have any lien, security interest, or other interest with respect to development rights held by the transferee. The interpretation given by the Manager shall be final unless an appeal is made by the applicant to the City Council or Board of Adjustment to review and overturn his decision. Limited Access Highway. That the development encourage walking and biking, enhance transit service opportunities, and improve traffic safety through promoting low speed, cautious driving while fully accommodating the needs of pedestrians and bicyclists. The minimum distance, extending across the full width of the lot, between the property line and the nearest exterior wall or structure. A stormwater permit is required prior to any development construction within the City limits to ensure conformance to the stormwater management provisions and other applicable requirements of this Code. Water system including utility easements, water distribution lines, fire hydrants, valves, pumps, and water towers in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; C. Sanitary sewer system including utility easements, sanitary sewer lines, manholes, and lift stations in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; D. Drainage system including drainage easements, channels, storm sewer lines and inlets, basins, control structures, and landscaping; G. Utilities for electric and telephone service and associated utility easements installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility; H. Gas, cable television and other telecommunications service and associated utility easements, when provided, installed in conformance with the terms and regulations of the provider of said utility. The following procedures shall govern the application for, and issuance of, all sign permits under this Section, and the submission and review of Common Signage Plans and Master Signage. B. The duration of the consent agreement and the conditions that will result in revocation; iii. If the City Administrator fails to establish review periods for each procedure, the default review period will be ninety (90) days unless State law imposes a shorter period, in which event the shorter period will prevail. Once a procedure has been initiated and the application deemed complete, the City Administrator will review the application, considering any applicable criteria for approval and prepare a report to the BOA. Simultaneous Submission of Related Applications. The city requires that: (1) development impacts are mitigated through contributions of street rights-of-way and/or improvements to existing and new roadways; or (2) new developments contribute their fair share of the costs of needed transportation improvements. It includes a wall, gate, or structure which that [sic] functions to enclose an open space or yard; however, a retaining wall, freestanding sign, or landscape structure is not considered a fence except for that portion which that [sic] functions as a fence. Premises. Permitted Sign. F. The delay of standard review periods may not be implemented as a moratorium. A single-family dwelling constructed as part of a series of dwellings, all of which are either attached to the adjacent dwelling or dwellings by party walls or are located immediately adjacent thereto with no visible separation. Any sign erected, mounted or displayed prior to the adoption of this subchapter[.]. The City Council (Council) has the following powers and duties: A. 3. The Downtown Overlay District (O-D) is intended to create a pedestrian-friendly environment, enable a mixture of uses, promote higher residential density, and ultimately create a vibrant area as a gathering place for the community. The provisions of this section apply to any Permit if as of the first anniversary of the effective date of Chapter 245 of the Texas Local Government Code: A. the permit does not have an expiration date; and. SINGLE-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL (ATTACHED). Special conditions may apply in some cases. Exceptions to this review period are as follows: A. For new developments or remodels of existing developments, off-street parking shall be provided according to the parking requirements found in Chapter 5 and 6 of this Code.

144 Stirling Street, Perth, Articles C

city of liberty hill design standards