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miramonte high school cheerleader killed

?lol go guys and do some research..the real Bernadette was very beautiful,(but poor) while the real Kristen was very average (but rich)Kristen well deserved her fate,all the bullies making others life miserableno sympathy from me at all. How did you talk and act around those girls, ask yourself that! Google It, it sure will tell you. Donnah Winger murder case: What happened to convict Mark Winger? The father was so ignorant and submerged in his cars he didnt even notice his daughters pain and problems. Bernadette tried her best to forge a friendship under false pretenses and you Justify her actions, you must either be Bernadette or her sister, or a close friend or Relative. I dont know why you are saying nice things about Kristen she was very mean and she said stuff that offended people she stop acting like she was innocent. The Lifetime movie serves as a dramatic retelling, where we see how a girl decides that she can be popular and accepted at school, by befriending one of the more beautiful classmates. People like you expect the world to owe you something. I still have nightmares of many girlfriends ignoring me, making fun of me and being just vicious. Bernadette then said she wanted to go home and think, and Hilley agreed. When Kelly rebuffs Bridgets advances of friendship, it humiliates the latter and sends her into a jealousy-fueled rage, which ultimately results in Kellys murder. Senseless. The day after a deadly house fire killed a 16-year-old girl at her home in Orinda, friends and family on Monday were remembering her as a vivacious young woman who could light up a room. What are you talking about?? . Probably chubby ugly girls who were bullied as kids. Instead of walking home, she accepted her friends' offer to drive her home. Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette before the murder.So Kirsten made a few comments. If Bernadette killed Kirsten because she was bullied and put down by her, why didnt she give examples at her trial which would have strengthened her case? However, despite being a member of this popular entity, she wasnt satisfied as she wanted more. The school was a freak show. But for the most part Kirsten got along with mostly everyone. Kirsten May of had moments and been a Stuck up person, but that dont Justify murdering her. Im not sure shes really sick, I just hear she is, and doesnt leave her home hardly. As for the girls acting like Hoes if they have PTSD from it maybe they should of thought of the consequences, before they did it. Shes older also. It sounds like she was only mean one time about her having cheap ski boots. Sometimes she could come off the wrong way, but if someone rubbed her the wrong way, she would let them know. Firstly, Bernadette is an insentient and abhorrent human being. (Lucky you). She must have really had a low opinion of herself!! Nothing exotic on the photos Ive seen. Material on this site is provided for education, criticism, commentary, cultural reporting, entertainment, historical reference, and news reporting/analysis. I have never seen Kirsten insult anyone, (I knew her), she was friendly towards everybody, Berns BFF May say it differently, cause Bernadette just took things way to Serious, and like I said she took things way to Personal to where it became Personal. Kirsten had an Engaging type Personality, that Movie was off, and (Pro Bernadette). Maybe her parents should have raised her better. Photos with blue: From the Ladies Home Journal original article; Photo 2: Kirsten Costas in Washington DC in October 1981 (from the editors personal collection). In reality, the case unfolded in the town of Orinda, which is not far from the San Francisco Bay Area. Kirsten loved playing Nancy Drew, she and her friends were crazy, I would tell them, I got to put up with you guys today. Whats been done has been done. I am almost certain she and Bernadette had words its Obvious, but Kirsten got in the Car with her, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, Bernadette took it way to Personal till it became Personal and (fatal). On the other hand, Bernadette informed her parents that she had a babysitting job that day. Thats my belief. Cant blame Kirsten if you werent popular, maybe ask yourself why. The people involved in the case are local residents, driven by an amalgamation of insecurities and human greed. I didnt kill them. Kirsten is forever missed. Still wasnt right. Offers may be subject to change without notice. All of the pictures featured here are photos taken from newspapers, not the authors private collection. So thats not bullying, thats rejecting you, cause she knew Bern was off beat. I dont agree with the Miramonte comments. Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. We should educate our children, our minds and our souls. To conclude, it is obvious that Death of a Cheerleader is based on a true event that shocked the small American town. I think Kristen called Bernadette out on being a lesbian. I dont think she was, just a teen girl who was like the rest in competition. There have been several changes in Orinda since Bernadette's arrest. Bernadette shoukd of just acknowledged Kirsten was around and spoke Civil to her, without forging the friendship. Click here to read more of the story, which later became the (fictionalized) subject of not just one but two TV movies A Friend to Die For and Death of a Cheerleader.. It gave me the creeps. . And whenever she went to that parking lot to say that she admired Kirsten, thats probably the reason why she said her friend Got weird. I would have gotten weirded out too if my friend addmitted that she thought that I was perfect, pretty, and good at everything. They were weird and odd mostly, I didnt like them myself. Mats Kirsten probaly didnt like you, dont mean she was that way to everybody. Well based on the movie, Kristen came off as a total snob and bully. Get browser notifications for breaking news, live events, and exclusive reporting. Yes the Homecoming Queen said nice things about Kirsten, but she was at the (top) and Kirsten liked those people. Kirsten wasnt a bully at all. Put God first. Bridget is a shy outsider, who wants to be popular and beautiful. She didnt want to be bothered with her either. There was no jury in the trial. The real death of a cheerleader story (1985), PS: If you liked this article, please share it! It was okay at her age, like most teenagers who wish for the ultimate pinnacle of popularity. And yes Bernadette has enough problems, and theres Virus out there Worldwide that is killing people all over, and Rioters rioting in streets keeping the Virus alive, that is what the World needs to focus on today. I think NOT! Any more update regarding Bernadette and the family members of both girls? Really? They dont even bother to investigate her alibi to see if she was telling the truth? Kirsten went to strangers, wanting to be dropped off home. Kirsten is better looking than bernadette, because Kirsten facial features are in proportion with her face.. bernadette is not. According to the letter, she was able to live with it but couldn't ignore it. She refused to. Was she snotty to? Note: features authentic historical information, and is not intended to represent current best practices on any topic, particularly with regard to health and safety, but also in terms of outdated cultural depictions and social values. I dont think she suffers from depression, but she is wanting to isolate from the World. She is a Sociopath. Eventually, she came clean to her parents. If we had to kill all 15:year olds who were Smart Aleck then we wouldnt have none making it to Graduation or getting their Drivers License. Nancy was Sweet, she just took things the wrong way. Kirsten ran from Bernadettes car and wanted to be left alone, yet Bernadette stalked Kirsten to her house. One person said Missy was mean and a bully and she bullied them bad well that person and you are the same, Justifying Murder cause someone was mean, or Stuck up. I guess we all cant like everyone. Bernadette planned everything down to the last detail, even telling Kirstens Mum to ask Kirsten not to tell anyone about the supposed dinner that night. You may think Bernadette is happy and living life, glad you think so, I would hate to have to always live in fear, of fear of running into someone from my past, or, someone who knows about my past. What a bizarre story. Also, Im flattered by the attention you gave me on the blog. Doesnt make her a killer, thats being a teenager but dont make it sound like she just said shut up thats unrealistic. Shes obviously mentally ill . I admit that 7 years was a bit brief but thats how it is when youre underage. I remember one time coming back from skiing, my friend and I were saying how we should stab the killer 18 times for what she did. Neither does a lot of former classmates. WOW MIRANDA, IT SOUNDS LIKE YOU MIGHT HAVE A TRIGGER TOO. She was to busy of a girl. We werent in the same grade I was one year ahead of her she acted as if she was better. The most exciting thing is that the case took quite an unexpected turn, and Bernadette ended with a nine-year sentence. If Kirsten was mercilessly cruel to Bernadette, it would have been brought up at Bernadettes trial which would have strengthened her case, but it wasnt brought up because it didnt happen. She was more Bubbly and down to Earth. And, they realized, the problem didnt lie only with Bernadette. Lifetime should be ashamed. We all had enemies and faults and all teen girls are Caddy and mean at some point, no reason to die, they outgrow it in adulthood, most do anyways, some never do. She may of just wanted to scare Bernadette so she would leave her alone (Bernadette) Bernadette took things way to personal, and, it became Personal.. Joe Kosla hi. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? Police and friends are still perplexed about a brutal killing that so far has no suspect or motive only a pretty and popular 15-year-old victim. She may of been misunderstood. Theres other Measures to take other than Murder. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Ok, I agree with you that Kirsten was better-looking, but you realize that Bernadette was part Italian, right? Just some girls on interviews said she was just self absorbed but no bully. People are going by that. Distractify is a registered trademark. No, it is about love, people. This is a truly heartbreaking experience and we are really grieving together," said Miramonte principal Julie Parks. Why are you victim shaming ? So you are offbeat to, for defending a Killer. Friends said she was a glowing part of the student body with a warm and welcoming personality. I agree bullying is so terrible but there wasnt much evidence that Kirsten was a bully apart from Bernadette saying Kirsten once mentioned that her ski boots looked cheap, I think Kirsten was a lesbian with a crush on Kirsten but was taking that secret to her grave. As I are, I think of all Kirsten has missed and how life changing it was to have your daughter murdered this way and then dragged through the media as a tori spelling played psycho who deserved what she got. She is Crazy obviously, has enough problems and has to deal with murdering Kirsten and that doesnt help. I cant tell you if every single one of them get together, I know lots do. Well as I said its like that in any School, I think high school is a setting where everyone is competing and wanting to race tot he top and cut down anyone who gets in thier way. Its patent that Bernadette had built-up animosity towards Kristen. My sympathies are with the Costas family and i hope they have managed to move on. Im irritated. It doesnt sound as if Kirsten bullied Bernadette, other than the one comment about her ski gear. You got kids in all school people try to duck away from and avoid. I always noticed Bernadette would give Kirsten stares and mean looks at times. She is no longer in jail today and is leading her private life. I was on a few adult precision ice skating teams, and let me tell you, some of the women who were on the teams were a hell of a lot worse than high school girls!! Caskets cannot be covered with a flag of the deceased's nationality while in the church. Kirsten was also described as Cute, funny and full of Life, and Bern took that Life. Kirsten was just trying to find her way like we all were in a snobby, competitive crappy little town through the Caldecott tunnel. She wasnt mean or that just high maintenance. Kirsten understandably didnt appreciate the fact that she was lured out of her house under false pretences, so she left Bernadettes car. Bern want the poor girl Deployed in the movie. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. But I dont remember hearing or learning about it until many years later. Landscape Suicide 1986 is the closest after Bernadettes interview with the Police it shows it. Others are not so lucky. These stories chronicle the immediate news reports that detailed the crime, the communitys shock, the victims funeral, and discusses some of the police work that was involved in the effort to find the killer and to understand her motive. And the color pictures of the school are photographs I took. Bernadette had devised an ingenious plan to win over Kirsten. Was Bernadette fragile when her behaviour was reported to not have changed after Kirstens murder? Judge: Well, with the exception of the taped confession, this whole case is circumstantial. Shut up already and get a life. I know there were problems beteewn she and Nancy Kane, and that other blamed girl. I know right. How do you know she was mean? Then you wouldnt be worrying g about these people being the Life of the Party. All are welcome. To much detailed stuff if you ask me. She had an issue, and if what Kirstens friends say are right about her and being so bold to outspoken maybe she recognized that the girl wasnt wrapped too tight but being young didnt know the term, hence calling her weird. The rumours were so intense that her mother prevented her from taking a lie detector test and transferred her from the learning institution. Public File for KBCW-TV / KBCW 44 Cable 12. Her drive for perfection makes her seek out the friendship of Kelly Locke, a rich and pretty girl. Melissa Womer: children, Jim Carrey, net worth, latest updates. Maybe she did something to make it bad. Bernadette took a lie detector test as they questioned students, whose results were inconclusive, proving neither guilt nor innocence. Police said today 15-year-old Kirsten Costas thought she was going to a sorority-like initiation the night she was stabbed to death just a few yards from her Orinda home. Santa Rosa Press Democrat Monday, June 25, 1984, Roseville Press-Tribune Monday, June 25, 1984. All teen gals are (snotty) for the most part, but grow out of it. Your lack of self awareness is both amusing and perplexing. Who cant see that part? Bernadette is no more and she doesnt exist anymore, so why keep bringing up the past, my goodness look at the times the World is in now. There is absolutely no justifying what she did and if you feel justifiedthen at the core, you are the problem, not the pretty, popular girl. So think before you get that angry cause there is no turning back from it. Those girls had a clique. Also people dont want to be around someone who makes a butt out of themselves and acts like an idiot, its to embarrassing. All Rights Reserved. I am merely reading the comments after viewing the movie and indeed if the movie mischaracterized Bernadette then her parents should sue them. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? Her house too, apparently had paint peeling off, and was not the type of place she imagined herself to be living in. I understand wanting to have what your friends have. Thats different, and usually those were the ones that were irritating and annoying. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family? Im disgusted. Kelly is part of a popular school clique and seems to have everything Bridget desires. One girl she got mad at for saying stupid stuff around her and embarrassing her. Apart from her socioeconomic conditions, Bernadette also had severe body issues, wherein she thought herself to be unattractive and undesirable. Bernadette is Sick. Talking peoples business again, McDonald may not like her name being used. I liked School and I wasnt popular, but I still liked it. They told about the girls ran out of School. Reports suggest that Bernadette was sent to the Youth Authoritys Ventura School, and according to the CYA (California Youth Authority), she earned her high school diploma with a 4.0 average. Dont matter, been what 37 years. Smelled so bad. But you are not making her case by behaving like a bully yourself. Many left hand-written notes, flowers, candles and white. So she was a Bully, she is not here to defend herself any longer, so youre the Bully now. Karen, keep repeating the same Comment over and Excuse my long reply. I knew Kirsten she was funny and adorable. We were never the same after that, Miramonte was never the same after that. No more Bernadette has a point. Dont let that Sweet Melancholy fool anyone, she was not that unless you were in the group. In order to get into the Bobbies you had to have money. For example, she had issues with her body and considered herself unattractive and undesirable. Kirsten liked almost everybody. It was like she was obsessed with her, which she probably was. If it was national news, I missed it. Bernadette was described as homely. There have also been psychic calls. Maybe you need (a Life of your own). The prosecution failed to prove that Bernadette had premeditated Kirsten's homicide. A grown woman from England pretending to be someone who knew Bernadette, Kirsten, or Kirstens brother. Karen I read your comments n I totally agreed with you. She was snooty to or maybe just misunderstood. I believe she kept crying and begging for her friendship and it weirded Kirsten out. Nevertheless Kirsten will never be with us again, and there was no sense in murder (premeditated ) or not, it still happened. Your eyes are deceiving you. If she would of left her alone, Kirsten wouldnt of ever bothered her, those TV movies Kirsten wasnt nothing like Tori Spelling, in the 2nd movie a little maybe she was like that girl, but more funnier. That Bullying was a Copout. Give me an example. The Homecoming Court was as popular (if not more) popular than Kirsten. Four deputies working full-time, and two more working part-time, have followed 800 separate leads without finding a clue in the murder of Kirsten Costas, the Orinda high school sophomore slain June 23. Bernadette and Kirsten were friends supposedly. Most people would find that bizarre and off-putting and would certainly not deserve to be killed over it. A popular 15-year-old girl who was stabbed to death on a neighbors doorstep may have been the victim of another teen-age girl, police said. Kirsten never gave Bernadette any thought. The ones no one else liked theres a reason usually. Not saying Kirsten and Missy were Saints, but we all Bully and been Bullied. Cant see her making fun of anyone. She only had Certain friends. And yes, I was bullied in high school too. Shes no better than you. A Murderer, So Kirsten was a Snob, a lot of ppl are, the way she died,was Horrific. LOL. Deadly Women portrayed Kirsten differently, she was kind of like that, but cut up more and more bouncier. Shes pretty much out of the picture, her YouTube gets messages from (Kirsten from Heaven) thats sick whoevers doing that. Same for Karen Severson and Laura Doyle theyre cold blooded killers to, Missy was Kirstens age, this happened not long after Kirsten was Murdered. Bernadette, as described would have known that Kirsten would have thought it weird to be driving around with a butcher knife. Who knows what was true or not. If it hadnt of been Kirsten, itd been her childhood friend, or someone else, cause Bern has Jealousy Issues. There is no justification for murder, and I am not siding with the criminals, but you can push someone so far. If it hadnt have been for Bernadettes confession, this case probably would remain unsolved. I never seen her make fun of anyone, of course, I wasnt around her that much, but she was friendly and nice. The whole movie seems based on stuff Bernadette said and from her point of view which is a bit unfair. Bernadette Protti shocked the nation and her locality when she confessed to the brutal murder by stabbing her schoolmate, Kirsten Costas. She was a member of a highly selective sorority club called the Bobbies. And not a fuckn psycho. Bernadette was prettier. Also Bernadette wasnt bullied or singled out, thats BS. Kirsten was full of energy and life. The sad thing is that adults act the same way. Judging from your comments you clearly have sided with Bernadette, so why contradict yourself? I heard they ran Several girls out not just them, they Demonized one to where she had to Leave portraying her as a Tramp over some guys. More stood in the narthex, craning to hear the service in memory of the 15-year-old Miramonte High School student, stabbed to death near her Orinda home Saturday night. 3 decades later thats ridiculous. Mats you knew Kirsten? Thanks for visiting and for supporting a small business! She was Strange to. You obviously didnt know Bernadette to describe her as Sweet. For you to even fix your fingers to type a reference that this was some sort of fault of the victims speaks volumes about you as a person. She was young and like any teen finding her way around. I didnt hate either one, maybe they were Misunderstood, as for being Stuckup. If the person that Tori spelling played in that movie Was indeed Kristen Costas attitude toward other students then anybody couldve seen this coming. Amen Shelly. Snotty people blamed her publicly and without mercy.. shame on them, you know who you are. Kirsten was, and classmates mostly said she was a free fun spirit with a big heart and love for life. She knew what the students there would do to her. Would you say the same if Bernadette did suicide? You knew Kirsten. Students at Miramonte High School in Orinda, whose social acceptance Bernadette Protti craved, said yesterday she should be kept in prison for a long time. Bernadette Im telling you was well liked and a good Student got good grades and was in with popular kids, cause she was smart. No justification for Murder. Did you know Bernadettes bff? Anyone who defends her and likes her is a Pathetic Loser also. Kirsten Costas, who had just finished her sophomore year at Miramonte High School in this scenic, affluent suburb, was killed at about 10pm Saturday, Contra Costa County . Why are you so focused on what they looked like? I wasnt in the Popular, but those girls still talked to me and was friendly with me. Kirsten was almost identical to that, no like Tori Spelling. But as she drove, she became frightened about how Kirsten might describe the evening to the other girls at school. Bryan Callen: divorce story, wife, net worth, latest updates. As Kirsten headed towards her house from Alex's car, she spotted Bernadette on the street and headed towards her. I do believe she had some she didnt like, (but who didnt)! I was even accused of being (Stuck up) We were all just Misunderstood. Calling her a B and saying she dressed nice in an interview. The day after the arrest, the sheriff called a well-attended press conference. B was so quiet of a person we figured just talking about something like that made her sick. I hear her husband knew all along about her. I dont think it was so much bullying as it was insecurity, I think Bernadette said something that went all wrong in the car. If we all got along with everyone then it would be boring. My friend loved her and said she was one that you couldnt help but love even though she could be cocky. To bad she did cause Im sure she would of grown out of her ways and be a positive influence in someones life today even. Smoking and cussing that is mostly the ones that were disliked. She and D were always cracking jokes and having fun. Nancy I know exactly how you feel. She only had certain friends. Bet you didnt walk on Water yourself as a teen, bet you were smart Aleck, most teen girls are, and they grow out of it, dont give them the right to be killed. In another one of your comments your wrote Well said Sarah. You guys are kidding yourselves. Shame on you calling a dead girl names. I so disagree with some of the posters. To bad Kirsten didnt get a chance to grow up and grow out of it. Kirsten May of been just like that, I couldnt tell you thats true. Are you suggesting by your comment Kirsten had is well deserved that Kirsten deserved to be murdered because she understandably didnt take kindly to being lured out of her house under false pretences to a bobbie (sorority) dinner that didnt exist by someone she wasnt friends or even acquaintances with and was then driven to an empty car-park at night. What if what you and I perceive as not nice clothes were as nice as she opened bc her family wasnt wealthy? Its unknown what happened to Peter Costas (Kirstens younger brother). Others suffer more cause they experience the loss. I wouldnt have either. I feel for the Costas family. Bernadette lived in a wealthier area than Kirsten.

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miramonte high school cheerleader killed