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the counter reformation was a religious and political movement that

Which leader restored the Church of England? It is also considered to be one of the events that signified the end of the Middle Ages and the beginning of the early modern period in Europe.[2]. The next sizable territories were the Landgraviate of Hesse (1526; at the Synod of Homberg) and the Electorate of Saxony (1527; Luther's homeland), Electoral Palatinate (1530s), and the Duchy of Wrttemberg (1534). In 1417, two years after the execution of Jan Hus, the Czech reformation quickly became the chief force in the country. Ultimately Pope Clement VII refused the petition; consequently it became necessary for the King to assert his lordship over the church in his realm to give legal effect to his wishes. The Reformation (alternatively named the Protestant Reformation or the European Reformation) was a major movement within Western Christianity in 16th-century Europe that posed a religious and political challenge to the Catholic Church and in particular to papal authority, arising from what were perceived to be errors, abuses, and discrepancies by the Catholic Church. Henry strongly wanted a male heir, and many of his subjects might have agreed, if only because they wanted to avoid another dynastic conflict like the Wars of the Roses. They clarified and defended Catholic teachings. Later on, Socinus and his followers emigrated to Poland. [57] Von Mervitz seized a monastery in Viey with the help of his sheriff, Dietrich of Minden, and his soldiers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2009. During the Thirty Years' War, Royal (Habsburg) Hungary joined the Catholic side, until Transylvania joined the Protestant side. ", Pettegree and Hall "Reformation and the Book, D. Densil Morgan, "Calvinism in Wales: c. 15901909,", Church "Literature of the Italian reformation", History of Lutheranism The start of the Reformation, Ninety-Five Theses on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences, Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants, Bible translated into High German by Luther, Luther's translation of the Bible into High German, spread of literacy in early modern Germany, list of states by the date of adoption of the Reformation, adoption years for the Augsburg Confession, History of Austria Austria in the Reformation and Counter-Reformation (15171564), Reformation in Denmark-Norway and Holstein, Religion in Norway From Reformation to 1964, Religion in Sweden Lutheran Reformation, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland Part of the Church of Sweden, History of the Faroe Islands Reformation era, List of Protestant martyrs of the English Reformation, Frederick William I, Elector of Brandenburg, History of Spain Phillip II and the wars of religion, History of Latvia German period, 11851561, Dimitrije Ljubavi Reformation: Lutherans and Serbs, History of Christianity in Romania Reformation, Reformation PolishLithuanian_Commonwealth, Timeline of Orthodoxy in Greece (14531821) cite ref-ZAKYTHINOS108 127-0, Protestantism and Islam Mutual tolerance, Jeremias II of Constantinople The Greek Augsburg Confession, resistance theory in the Early Modern period, United States Declaration of Independence, The Reformation and its influence on church architecture, Martin Chemnitz on the Doctrine of Justification, Martin Chemnitz's views on Trent: the genesis and the genius of the Examen Concilii Tridentini, "Martin Luther, Bible Translation, and the German Language", "Media, Markets and Institutional Change: Evidence from the Protestant Reformation", "Causes and Consequences of the Protestant Reformation", "Adopting a New Religion: the Case of Protestantism in 16th Century Germany", "An Economic Analysis of the Protestant Reformation", Malthus Meets Luther: the Economics Behind the German Reformation, "Multiplex Network Ties and the Spatial Diffusion of Radical Innovations: Martin Luther's Leadership in the Early Reformation", "America's dark and not-very-distant history of hating Catholics", Mary Dyer of Rhode Island: The Quaker Martyr That Was Hanged on Boston, "The Church in Wales: The Protestant Reformation", "Primo Trubar v enciklopedijah in leksikonih I", "Nova odkritja o slovenski protestantiki", "protestant Origin and meaning of protestant by Online Etymology Dictionary", "Christianity 2015: Religious Diversity and Personal Contact", "Under which conditions does religion affect educational outcomes? The compromise was uneasy and was capable of veering between extreme Calvinism on one hand and Catholicism on the other. In Electoral Saxony the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Saxony was organised and served as an example for other states, although Luther was not dogmatic on questions of polity. Which statement best describes the Roman Inquisition? The Reformation has been credited as a key factor in the development of the state system. [53] During his reign, Lutheranism made significant inroads among the Danish population. Protestant worship services in the local language rather than Latin. The later Puritan movement, often referred to as dissenters and nonconformists, eventually led to the formation of various Reformed denominations. Which statement Best describes what happened if a German prince decided a state was Catholic in the late 1500s? The separation of the Church of England from Rome under Henry VIII, beginning in 1529 and completed in 1537, brought England alongside this broad Reformation movement. In Sweden, the Reformation was spearheaded by Gustav Vasa, elected king in 1523, with major contributions by Olaus Petri, a Swedish clergyman. The term Protestant, though initially purely political in nature, later acquired a broader sense, referring to a member of any Western church which subscribed to the main Protestant principles. Among the most important Protestants of the Commonwealth were Mikoaj Rej, Marcin Czechowic, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski and Symon Budny. Calvinism developed through the Puritan period, following the restoration of the monarchy under Charles II, and within Wales' Calvinistic Methodist movement. Luther survived after being declared an outlaw due to the protection of Elector Frederick the Wise. Witch trials became more common in regions or other jurisdictions where Protestants and Catholics contested the religious market. The Reformation had to be a political event. Protestants likely formed a majority of Hungary's population at the close of the 16th century, but Counter-Reformation efforts in the 17th century reconverted a majority of the kingdom to Catholicism. This predominantly religious movement was propelled by social issues and strengthened Czech national awareness. The early Reformation in Germany mostly concerns the life of Martin Luther until he was excommunicated by Pope Leo X on 3 January 1521, in the bull Decet Romanum Pontificem. [11] He was accordingly characterised as the "evening star" of scholasticism and as the morning star or stella matutina of the English Reformation. Higher capability in reading, numeracy, essay writing, and history. The first books in Slovene, Catechismus and Abecedarium, were written by Trubar.[84]. Many of these patterns were enshrined in the Schleitheim Confession (1527) and include believers' (or adult) baptism, memorial view of the Lord's Supper, belief that Scripture is the final authority on matters of faith and practice, emphasis on the New Testament and the Sermon on the Mount, interpretation of Scripture in community, separation from the world and a two-kingdom theology, pacifism and nonresistance, communal ownership and economic sharing, belief in the freedom of the will, non-swearing of oaths, "yieldedness" (Gelassenheit) to one's community and to God, the ban (i.e., shunning), salvation through divinization (Vergttung) and ethical living, and discipleship (Nachfolge Christi). Those who fled to England were given support by the Church of England. European sovereigns, Catholic and Protestant alike, ignored his verdict. Greater entrepreneurship among religious minorities in Protestant states. [citation needed]. From SmartHistory, here is a great lecture to give you an overview of the Counter Reformation. He was asked to recant (to disavow) his writings at the Diet of Worms (an unfortunate name for a council held by the Holy Roman Emperor in the German city of Worms). It covered the following five areas: Doctrine (ideology) Ecclesiastical or Structural Reconfiguration Religious orders Spiritual Movements Political Dimensions The Counter-Reformation began after Martin Luther 's Reformation. These Germans raised a Lutheran church in Hafnarfjrur as early as 1533. Harsh persecution of Protestants by the Spanish government of Philip II contributed to a desire for independence in the provinces, which led to the Eighty Years' War and, eventually, the separation of the largely Protestant Dutch Republic from the Catholic-dominated Southern Netherlands (present-day Belgium). The latter settled mostly in Greater Poland around Leszno. This document outlined Luther's grievances with the Catholic Church, including their sale of indulgences, their corruption, and their lack of scriptural authority. Besides the Waldensians already present in France, Protestantism also spread in from German lands, where the Protestants were nicknamed Huguenots; this eventually led to decades of civil warfare. This unit introduces three religious-based reform movements: Protestantism in mainland Europe, Protestantism in England, and the Catholic Counter-Reformation, as well as the subsequent violence they caused. He would later in the period 15171521 write works on devotion to Virgin Mary, the intercession of and devotion to the saints, the sacraments, mandatory clerical celibacy, and later on the authority of the pope, the ecclesiastical law, censure and excommunication, the role of secular rulers in religious matters, the relationship between Christianity and the law, good works, and monasticism. Though we might think of the Reformation in spiritual terms and view its legacy primarily as a renewed understanding of the Gospel, the work of Christ, and the role of Scripture in the life of the church, the reformers themselves had no choice but to be involved in politics. The term Reformation refers to a great religious reform movement in Europe during the 16th century. [8] Radical Reformers, besides forming communities outside state sanction, sometimes employed more extreme doctrinal change, such as the rejection of the tenets of the councils of Nicaea and Chalcedon with the Unitarians of Transylvania. While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Both Catholics and Orthodox Christians converts became Calvinists and the Anti-Trinitarians. The Commonwealth was unique in Europe in the 16th century for its widespread tolerance confirmed by the Warsaw Confederation. [25][26] Some 100,000 peasants were killed by the end of the war.[27]. Illustrations in the German Bible and in many tracts popularised Luther's ideas. The veneration of some saints, certain pilgrimages and some pilgrim shrines were also attacked. The term Counter-Reformationdenotes the period of Catholicrevival from the pontificate of Pope Pius IVin 1560 to the close of the Thirty Years' War, 1648. They write new content and verify and edit content received from contributors. 270286, Atkinson Fitzgerald "Printing, Reformation and Information Control". The counter-reformation can be additionally seen as a political movement because of the loss in revenue in the Baltic provinces. [71][72] When Henry II took the throne in 1547, the persecution of Protestants grew and special courts for the trial of heretics were also established in the Parlement de Paris. The quality of the new Catholic schools was so great that Protestants willingly sent their children to these schools. From 1517 onward, religious pamphlets flooded Germany and much of Europe.[36][c]. This created resentment amongst the Protestant nobility; however, the country did not experience a religiously motivated civil war. About us. [citation needed], Luther began by criticising the sale of indulgences, insisting that the Pope had no authority over purgatory and that the Treasury of Merit had no foundation in the Bible. The Counter-Reformation, a movement within the Roman Catholic Church to reform and revive itself. G. Reformation and Counter Reformation Print section Reformers of different kindsincluding John Wycliffe, John Huss (Jan Hus), and Girolamo Savonaroladenounced the moral laxity and financial corruption that had infected the church "in its members and in its head" and called for radical change. [3] The spread of Gutenberg's printing press provided the means for the rapid dissemination of religious materials in the vernacular. [77] Protestants in Spain were estimated at between 1000 and 3000, mainly among intellectuals who had seen writings such as those of Erasmus. Choose one of these movements and discuss the influence of political, spiritual, or cultural aspects of the movement as well as any subsequent strife (warfare and other forms of violence). The 17th century saw a complex struggle between Presbyterianism (particularly the Covenanters) and Episcopalianism. As early as 1521, the Pope had written a letter to the Spanish monarchy warning against allowing the unrest in Northern Europe to be replicated in Spain. The different character of the English Reformation came rather from the fact that it was driven initially by the political necessities of Henry VIII. Ten years later, in 1568, the Diet extended this freedom, declaring that "It is not allowed to anybody to intimidate anybody with captivity or expulsion for his religion". Translation of the Bible into German, French, English, and other languages. When Henry died he was succeeded by his Protestant son Edward VI, who, through his empowered councillors (with the King being only nine years old at his succession and fifteen at his death) the Duke of Somerset and the Duke of Northumberland, ordered the destruction of images in churches, and the closing of the chantries. [91] The edict reversed concessions made to the Lutherans with the approval of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V three years earlier. From a Catholic perspective, the Second Vatican Council called for an end to the Counter-Reformation. [30], The Protestant Reformation was a triumph of literacy and the new printing press. This challenge to Papal supremacy resulted in a breach with the Roman Catholic Church. Which statement best describes a reform initiated by the Council of Trent? Gudziak, Borys A. [57] In 1539, the King sent a new governor to Iceland, Klaus von Mervitz, with a mandate to introduce reform and take possession of church property. [36] Especially effective were writings in German, including Luther's translation of the Bible, his Smaller Catechism for parents teaching their children, and his Larger Catechism, for pastors. The Puritans objected to ornaments and ritual in the churches as idolatrous (vestments, surplices, organs, genuflection), calling the vestments "popish pomp and rags" (see Vestments controversy). The spread of Protestantism in the country was assisted by its large ethnic German minority, which could understand and translate the writings of Martin Luther. But compared to the bloody and chaotic state of affairs in contemporary France, it was relatively successful, in part because Queen Elizabeth lived so long, until the Puritan Revolution or English Civil War in the seventeenth century. Lollardy was suppressed and became an underground movement, so the extent of its influence in the 1520s is difficult to assess. Calvinism was popular among the Hungarians who inhabited the southernmost parts of what is now Slovakia. Omissions? The Counter-Reformation was Roman Catholicism's response to the Protestant Reformation. People who did not conform to the will of the Habsburgs and the leaders of the Catholic Church were forcibly sent there. After Habsburgs took control of the region, the Hussite churches were prohibited and the kingdom partially recatholicised. The context of the Reformation was the strange state of the Catholic Church as of the late fifteenth century. Pope Innocent X declared the treaty "null, void, invalid, iniquitous, unjust, damnable, reprobate, inane, empty of meaning and effect for all times" in his apostolic brief Zelo Domus Dei. After the Peace of Augsburg, which religion was officially recognized in many German states? The Protestant Reformation was a religious reform movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s. The Counter Reformation saw the Church use art, architecture, music and exploration to ensure that Christians understood that only St. Peter and the Church have the key: Rubens. [citation needed], Refused an annulment of his marriage to Catherine, King Henry decided to remove the Church of England from the authority of Rome. The shift toward political and religious freedom in turn, helped spawn the Reformation movement, which caused a divide within the powerful Catholic Church, leading many Europeans to turn to then . The Reformation in Scotland's case culminated ecclesiastically in the establishment of a church along reformed lines, and politically in the triumph of English influence over that of France. The Reformation did not receive overt state support until 1525, although it was only due to the protection of Elector Frederick the Wise (who had a strange dream[48] the night prior to 31 October 1517) that Luther survived after being declared an outlaw, in hiding at Wartburg Castle and then returning to Wittenberg. It covered the following five areas: Doctrine (ideology) Ecclesiastical or Structural Reconfiguration. [24] In response to reports about the destruction and violence, Luther condemned the revolt in writings such as Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants; Zwingli and Luther's ally Philipp Melanchthon also did not condone the uprising. The Counter-Reformation Movement While the Protestants largely removed public art from religion and moved towards a more "secular" style of art, embracing the concept of glorifying God through depictions of nature, the Counter-Reformation Catholic Church promoted art with "sacred" or religious content. The success of the Counter-Reformation on the Continent and the growth of a Puritan party dedicated to further Protestant reform polarised the Elizabethan Age, although it was not until the 1640s that England underwent religious strife comparable to what its neighbours had suffered some generations before. [47] The exact moment Martin Luther realised the key doctrine of Justification by Faith is described in German as the Turmerlebnis. [90], Six princes of the Holy Roman Empire and rulers of fourteen Imperial Free Cities, who issued a protest (or dissent) against the edict of the Diet of Speyer (1529), were the first individuals to be called Protestants. These Puritan separatists were also known as "the Pilgrims". [86], There is no universal agreement on the exact or approximate date the Reformation ended. Upon the arrival of the Protestant Reformation, Calvinism reached some Basques through the translation of the Bible into the Basque language by Joanes Leizarraga. It is usually dated from the Council of Trent in 1545 to the end of the Great Turkish War in 1699, but according to some scholars, it continued afterwards and is ongoing in the present day. B. worked to spread the ideas and teachings of Martin Luther across Europe. It was made possible by a revolution against French hegemony under the regime of the regent Mary of Guise, who had governed Scotland in the name of her absent daughter Mary, Queen of Scots (then also Queen of France). The rulers of the nation stressed political, cultural, and religious unity, and by the time of the Lutheran Reformation, the Spanish Inquisition was already 40 years old and had the capability of quickly persecuting any new movement that the leaders of the Catholic Church perceived or interpreted to be religious heterodoxy. In the late 15th and early 16th centuries, Christians began to openly criticize the Roman Catholic Church for teaching things contrary to the Bible. [citation needed]. John Wycliffe questioned the privileged status of the clergy which had bolstered their powerful role in England and the luxury and pomp of local parishes and their ceremonies. World Civilization Chapter 5 - The Counter-Re, The Counter Reformation, Chapter 1, Section 7, Literature and Philosophy of the Renaissance, Eric Hinderaker, James A. Henretta, Rebecca Edwards, Robert O. Self, John Lund, Paul S. Vickery, P. Scott Corbett, Todd Pfannestiel, Volker Janssen, Nurs418: Atrioventricular Blocks and Pacemake, ACE Health and Wellness Coach Practice Test, Nursing Management of Hypertension NURS 4554. Spain, which had only recently managed to complete the reconquest of the Peninsula from the Moors in 1492, had been preoccupied with converting the Muslim and Jewish populations of the newly conquered regions through the establishment of the Spanish Inquisition in 1478. Greater political autonomy increased the likelihood that Protestantism would be adopted. Although this is generally considered a Protestant belief, a similar formulation was taught by Molinist and Jansenist Catholics. Following the Affair of the Placards, culprits were rounded up, at least a dozen heretics were put to death, and the persecution of Protestants increased. The Wars of the Reformation began with the Knights' Revolt of 1522-1523, followed by the German Peasants' Revolt in 1524-1525, the Eighty Years' War in 1566-1648, the French Wars of Religion . The English Parliament confirmed the King's supremacy over the Church in the Kingdom of England. Religious discrimination grew on both sides and after the reign of Henry VIII, the religion of the king or queen would play a vital role in. It emphasizes that the reaction to the Protestant challenge was the dominant theme of contemporary Catholicism. In your own words, restate the advice Ronsard gives Helene in the last two lines of his poem. The presence of monasteries made the adoption of Protestantism less likely. The vested interest thus created made for a powerful force in support of the dissolution. Spiritual Movements. The Counter-Reformation which is also known as Catholic Reformation was known as the era of Catholic Resurgence which started in the response of Protestant Reformation and towards internal revival. In May 1559, sixteen Spanish Lutherans were burnt at the stake: fourteen were strangled before being burnt, while two were burnt alive.

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the counter reformation was a religious and political movement that