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can you have an otter as a pet in australia

Weird Pets: Sugar Gliders Sugar gliders are quickly becoming America's new exotic pet darling. Supporting conservation efforts and avoiding products that contribute to habitat destruction can help protect these animals. Theyre not for us to put them in cute hats ! Hannah Elizabeth is an English animal behavior author, having written for several online publications. Theyre destructive and will hurt you or your kids and they will get depressed ! They are the masters of disaster. AnimalWised takes a look at the different aspects of domestic otters. A lot more animals are legal in New York State, as opposed to New York City, where most animals are illegal. This is usually at the behest of a larger authority, often governmental. Of course, this depends on whether or not you can find someone willing to sell you one in the first place. But in Japan, where more than a dozen animal cafes now feature otters, they have . However, there is also DNA evidence to suggest that cats were susceptible to the process of domestication and may have even domesticated themselves[3]. This can be fed irregularly with a "scatter" method to ward off stereotypic behaviorsomething that occurs when certain animals are fed at specific times. But there is one species, the Asian small-clawed otter, which could be legal in some states. They do not like intruders in their space or near their family and will defend accordingly. Can Caracal Kitten be good pets? Also, according to mink expert Joseph Carter, their bites can cause severe injury, although this is likely not worse than anything an otter bite can inflict. The fact that these otters require a tropical climate may be why they tend to be kept mostly by zoo professionals. Money Box, Personalised Otter Money Box, Coin Bank, Otter Money Box, Otter Gifts, Piggy Bank, Savings Jar, Otter Presents. Its so sad everyone just dont care about an species wellbeing just for the fact you as a human want to be cool having a otter pet. If the otter is not able to be released, it may be possible to adopt it as a pet. Sadly, due to the difficulties that come with owning an otter, many are abandoned or discarded to rescue groups., National Geographic: Wild otters are the latest exotic pet trend., PetHelpful: A Guide to Legally Owning and Caring for a Pet Otter., Sea Otter Savvy: Dangerous Liaisons: Interactions Between Pets and Sea Otters., The Furry Companion: FAQs for Aspiring Pet Otter Owners., WORLD ANIMAL PROTECTION: Why You Shouldnt Share That Cute Pet Otter Video.. Nevertheless, otters are personable, entertaining little creatures, as you would expect from their reputation. Question: Are otters legal pets in California? While otters are popularized by their appearance in movies and TV shows, many people are unaware that these animals can actually be kept as pets. Even if you could get an otter certified as a therapy animal, it would still be illegal to buy or sell one. If you are handling or cuddling your otter, it will know if it doesnt have your full attention, and scream in order to get it. No, you dont need to have a massive zoo enclosure with a natural lake (although it wouldnt hurt), but housing Asian small-clawed otters will still present a challenge for the average person or even an advanced exotic pet keeper. It is very difficult to find anyone who sincerely recommends keeping an otter as a pet. The food they eat will also need to be considered with an appropriate diet and at least 350 g of food per day for each animal. Participants must be able to squat/kneel down and stand up quickly and without assistance. When theyre captured and sold as pets, otters are not living their full, natural lives. Melissa A Smith (author) from New York on December 31, 2019: Katouchka, I have seen breeders. That cute, fluffy sea otter you have in your photo? Retrieved from. When I worked for the park service, every year after easter people dump the bunnies,chicks and ducks they got for kids in the park because they grew up and couldn't handle them. Patrons for the Utterly Outrageous Otters Encounter must be 12 years and over. Then there are, of course, ferrets. Sea otters carry around a favorite rock in a pouch under their arms between meals, which they use to crack open the shells of various crustaceans. Fencing needs to extend in-ground because they can also dig out. Funny Otter Sweatshirt, Teacher Gift Sweatshirt, Cute Otter Sweatshirt, Punctuation Saves Otters, Punctuation Saves Sweatshirt, Teacher Gift . Vegetables, insects, crayfish, monkey nuts, soft-boiled eggs, etc. If you keep a pet otter, be very careful when you have visitors. Can you have a pet otter in australia. Enjoy an otter stuffed animal This doesnt make them automatically legal in every state. Other zoological animals like meerkats, raccoon dogs, slow lorises, and pangolins can't be owned privately for many reasons, at least in the United States. In this AnimalWised video, we talk about the lifestyle of these mammals, what types of otter exist and why you should never have them in a. In addition to common domesticated pets such as cats, dogs, aviary birds and aquarium fish, some native animals can be kept as pets under a special licence from NPWS. They're cute and playful when you see them on nature specials and at zoos, but in reality: They aren't domesticated in the slightest. Is it illegal to have an otter as a pet in every country? Living with a Pet Otter There are many effects which you should be aware of before getting a pet otter. Theyll need a dry area as well as a pool. If you love animals, then volunteer at shelters, rescues, or an ACA accredited zoo. With that said, most or all states will likely ban possession of native otters, and the federal Marine Mammal Protection Act strongly protects marine species (sea otters). You should include fish. Have a secondary pond/enclosure that I keep stocked with fish,frogs, and other native species that I would let my baby out in daily and go swimming with it. You need a vet. Are otters good pets? The following is a list of reasons why you shouldn't. And for those shaming her in the comments. They deserve to be out in the world in environments which we do't interfere with. All 13 species of otters are wild animals, extremely sensitive to environmental changes, and are a marking, latrine species. Even you own a river its not enough! Otters are very playful and charming and it might seem easy to interact with them or have them as pets. Find Out Now! Valentina z not all exotic pets are ripped away from their habitat some are rescued. Where can I hold hands with otters? This is the way for all animals, but the fundamental problem is that wild animals are better off wild, no matter how well we think we can look after them. It's scary to think of what it'll be like in just 5-10 more years. However, pet owners must meet strict requirements, including providing a secure and appropriate habitat, proper nutrition, and veterinary care. In the UK, otters are fully protected under Sections 9 and 11 of Schedule 5 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981[2]. Yes, in some cases, you can adopt an otter. Feel free to share this guide with anyone who loves otters! Eastern Red-backed Salamander. Otters in this genus are characterized by only partial webbing between their toes, and small, blunt, peg-like claws. Not to mention that an otter in a home life most likely is not going to get the water time he needs. Half the houses in my neighborhood can't even take care of their own dogs right. However, some US states may allow you to own exotic pet species such as otters. The heaviest weigh in at up to 100lbs again, you wouldnt want to get on the wrong side of an animal of that bulk. Also do you own any dogs or cats? Fortunately, many governments and jurisdictions have created contingencies to try to protect these animals. Additionally, if you live near a river, lake, or other natural body of water, you may be able to spot otters in the wild. When you see horror movies about canibbals or something you feel freaked out do you eat meat how do you think the cows,pigs and lambs feel and so on. 1. I just have no words for it! If you want to have an otter as a pet, make sure that they have a pond or a lake filled with their food, or you can manage to bring them fresh one from the market. They thrive in social settings within their natural habitat. However, this is a complex process that requires specialized care and rehabilitation to ensure the otter can survive in its natural environment. This requires a fence which is not climbable and has a horizontal ledge at the top. This does not even take into consideration the amount of capital needed to install the appropriate enclosure and keep the otters well fed. They need attention all the time. Otters make loud whistling or screeching noises. Instead of citing specific sizes, I would recommend simply imagining what you would deem an acceptable length and width for a very energetic and playful carnivore that will spend most, if not all, of its life in the enclosure. Sometimes people can't handle the truth. However, a recent uptick of otter attacks has caused distress to many fish owners across the island. Parasites and general hygiene issues created by otters are also significant factors in why you shouldn't keep an otter as a pet. Negative impact on the wild population: Keeping otters as pets contributes to the decline of wild populations, as individuals are captured from the wild and taken away from their natural habitats. Eric Farmer from Rockford Illinois on February 18, 2018: On one hand, this sounded somewhat cute but some of the things you listed as negatives really turn me off owning an Otter as a pet. For this reason, petting and handling are ill-advised. I couldn't agree more. Otters can be legally obtained for private ownership. Otters are protected under the law, and it is illegal to keep them as pets or attempt to care for them yourself. If they are constantly wet, they can develop health conditions.. You should remove this article and every advise on owning exotic pets. However, just like any other wild animal, otters can be dangerous and aggressive. States where Otters may be legal, New York. You cannot keep one as a pet in the US. Captive otters require caging. Unless you are an expert or biologist or zoologist, you should not own an exotic pet. Sea otter: Illegal to own under the Marine Animal Protection Act. Otters need a tropical climate. It is illegal to keep almost all otters as pets in North America, with one exception. Product details: Item Number: 001000265731 Brand: Otter Box Model Number: iPhone 7 Plus Colour: Pink We ship nationwide! However, this is highly unethical and illegal, so be cautious and thoroughly research the seller and the legality of owning an otter as a pet before making a purchase. If not..why? -They have a lot of personality and can be very affectionate with their owners. The lifespan of otters varies depending on the species and their environment. When she isn't creating content for blog posts, Hannah enjoys long walks with her Rottweiler cross Senna, reading fantasy novels and breeding aquarium shrimp. An otter needs to have the life he was intended to have and need to be around their own kind in order to thrive. However, owning an otter requires a permit, which can be obtained from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. Your bathtub or pool cant substitute for the large bodies of water otters are naturally found in. Their appearance may be similar to a friendly dog's, but their temperament is quite the opposite. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. In the wild they live in families of up to 15, which contrasts with their life in captivity. More on each of these later. Retrieved from. Otters mostly eat fish and planktons, but they also feed on the ground with small birds, snails, frogs, or other amphibians. Otters are much happier (and quieter) in their natural habitat. Hence the name. As the otters like to make a burrow in the land, you will need to have the right sort of soil ans terrain. Abigailramirez434@yahoo.com on January 01, 2018: Can I buy a baby otter. Otters have very sharp teeth and can turn aggressive quickly, if annoyed. They travel in groups and maintain family ties, for life. Note: All information comes from online resources and personal knowledge. I was looking into purchasing a friend but after all this I think its not the best for either of us. If you have adopted one, youll need to have the proper habitat for it. Remember when 101 Dalmations came out and everyone ran and got a Dalmation and thousands got dumped at animal shelters? In some states, it is not illegal to keep an Asian small-clawed otter as a pet. Space alone is not enough to mimic the otter's natural ecosystem. Retrieved from, Smith, C. (2017). They love to swim and dive in shallow waters although there are records of sea otters diving as deep as 100 meters. Are otters legal pets? Only one species of otters is not considered federally illegal in the US, which is the Asian small-clawed otter (Aonyx cinereus). If you want to see otters, your best bet is to visit a zoo or aquarium. North American river otter (or common otter): Found in and along North Americas waterways and coasts, these otters weigh between 11 and 31 lbs (5-14kg). Asian Small-Clawed Otter Husbandry Manual. "Oh honey~~~ you shouldn't have! Some ideas include: Domesticated minks are actually semi-aquatic and far more readily available, if legal. Food is expensive. Because theyre so cute, theres been a high demand to own them as pets., Illegal poaching and sales have hurt the global otter population. The otter is one of the cutest creatures you can imagine. In some cases, otters that have been in captivity can be released back into the wild. Dogs and otters do not get along. However, like all mustelids that arent domesticated ferrets, they are also challenging to keep, and will require large enclosures and extensive enrichment. Listen people, trying to stifle information will only lead to more of that thing your trying to stop dont be ignorant. Other animals in the Mustelidae family include the ferret. Yes, you can own an otter in Massachusetts as long as you have a permit from the state. Very few are owned by private individuals and habited in domestic environments. Their fast metabolism and evolutionarily hard-wired habit of smearing their spraint in order to mark their territory mean that they poop a lot like, every litter box will need cleaning twice a day. Specifically, Missouri, North Carolina, Florida, Nebraska and a handful of other states appear to allow the private-ownership of otters. (Lifespan Guide). It is the most common type trapped and sold as pets. If you want to read similar articles to Can You Have an Otter as a Pet?, we recommend you visit our What you need to know category. Heres what you need to know to provide adequate nutrition to a captive otter: Otters emit an odor, and smear their spraint (a fancy word for otter dung) at latrine sites, using their hind feet and tails, in order to mark their territory. Note that you still require special permits in many of these states, and local city governments also stipulate whether it is legal or illegal to keep exotic animals within city limits, so make sure you find out this information before buying an otter! https://www.gov.uk/guidance/otters-protection-surveys-and-licences#how-otters-are-protected, http://www.otterspecialistgroup.org/Library/TaskForces/OCT/OCT_ASO_Husbandry_Guidelines_Summary.pdf, https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2018/07/17/national/otters-smuggled-sale-japan-demand-pets-grows/#.XeDfjZNKiUl, https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/12302/21936349, https://ptes.org/get-informed/facts-figures/otter/. Likely, your otter will spend most of its life in the enclosure. There are 13 types of otter in total, but some are more common than others. Yes, some otter species are endangered. Thanks to hunting, habit destruction and many other human activities, almost all species of otter are either endangered or at least threatened. Otters are highly social, very active, semi-aquatic, and need a lot of space - so having one single one as a pet would certainly be unethical - even if it were possible. Supplement their diet with vegetables, soft-boiled eggs, and insects. Can i legaly own a short clawed otter here in Ontario Canada? If i found a fox or coyote i would raise it. It is illegal in all US States to keep this indigenous otter as a pets. Asian small-clawed otter: This is the only otter to have entered the pet trade. As always, wed be delighted to read your comments. However, I'd like to be able to contribute to the conservation of otters and their habitat, so I hope I can find a way to do that. However, mascotism damages biodiversity, since it does not focus on . Even ferrets are not necessarily easy pets but the first thing I would recommend as a mustelid for a pet. What states are otters legal in? I guess if someone owns a exotic pet then theyd really need to keep it in a space like theyre natural environment and take really good care of it, not just like its a dog or cat. Otters are being poached from the wild to become pets in Japan and Thailand The Asian small-clawed otter has become a popular pet in Southeast Asia. Otters are social creatures. Have you ever seen an otter in the wild? What zoos and aquariums have sea otters? If the water is not sufficiently well cleaned, it can lead to the quick death of the otter. Australia boasts a huge variety of animals. There is a high chance of one of them getting bitten. Given their sensitivity, less than 10% are likely to survive to adoption. Otters are carnivores and primarily eat fish, shellfish, and other aquatic creatures. Captive otters are also required to have a registered veterinarian who is happy to see them whenever required, which is hard to find at the best of times. Rejoice in the sheer exuberance of otter life. WOW!! They can have up to 1 million (thats 1 with six zeros!) Otters do climb, adding to the complexity of the habitat, so a top is required. If you want to interact with otters, consider visiting a zoo or aquarium or volunteering with a wildlife rehabilitation center. If you find a wild otter, it is best to leave it alone and contact a local wildlife rehabilitation center. Otters are considered to be wildlife, so you will need to follow the state guidelines for ownership. Question: Are otters legal to have as pets in North Carolina? Other members of this family include weasels, skunks, and ferrets. This, we can presume, is because they were always found at the waters edge, be it at the seaside (sea otters), riverside (river otters), clambering over brooks (Asian small-clawed otter) or in The Guianas (giant otters). You may not think it, just to look at them, although even when stock-still they are adorable. Question: Are sea otters legal in Kentucky? Asian countries, including Japan, Thailand, and Malaysia, have thriving pet otter industries. This permit requires that you have a secure and adequate enclosure for your otter, and that you provide proper care and nutrition for your pet. Otters are smelly, loud and extremely active; they have sharp teeth and jaws strong enough to crack open shellfish. Answer: Sea otters are not legal anywhere under the Marine Mammal Protection Act. I do not even need to mention you all the reasons why. Because Dalmations are high energy dogs that were bred to run 25 miles a day under carriages, and the families couldn't handle them. This could devastate our unique environment. If I become rich in my future I will definetly buy a otter, This is great for kids like me to learn about otters, I just bought a baby otter and it is really scared and it attack me how to tame and make him bite me. The larger the group, the larger the smear. In Japan, pet fads appear with a certain regularity. Keeping an otter as a solitary pet can make them very sad. Otters arent happy to be one or two with a child pool and a bathtub ! Exotic animals have many guidelines regarding their maintenance in captivity, but possession laws do change depending on the State. This classification means that only native otters are legal which includes the river otter. Question: Could an otter, raised from a young pup, make a unique and workable therapy animal or visiting moral animal for elderly / disabled / children? This is only a very simplified introduction to feeding. While most countries and states have made keeping a jackal as a pet illegal, others will require you to get . Not all our wants are positive. These can grow up to 6 ft long, almost 2 meters, and have a nasty bite, so you probably wouldnt want to own one anyway! They have exotic pet stores with meerkats in rabbit cages. To raise an otter away from its natural family group is a tragedy, so if you are still planning on keeping an otter, know that you will have to keep several otters in order to maintain the sanity and mental wellbeing of each one! North Carolina: Otter ownership is legal in North Carolina with a permit from the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission. As we have stated, they are not domestic animals. So why don't you see more otters playing in the park on a Sunday afternoon? Otters are wild animals. Smitten. But would only ever do it if I had the money #1, a lot of money. To stay warm in the water for so long, otters have incredibly thick fur, and very fast metabolisms, which means they need to eat a lot 20% of their body weight per day, during certain months. Before they used to be chased by humans for destroying rice cultures but now the parents are killed at first sight to get the youngs to make money! Marvel at the patience that the author must have had. (Diet and Feeding Frequency). Slightly less fun, but much more gruesome, fact: Male otters have been known to forcibly penetrate baby seals while holding their heads underwater until they drown. Additionally, otters require specialized care and a suitable habitat, making them unsuitable as pets for most people. Are otters dangerous? If you believe your state should be on this list, check with your local state department. They are extremely uncommon, and you would likely need to contact a broker who can track down a breeder or import one. They live in freshwater wetlands and mangrove swamps in Southern Asia. As stated in the introduction, otters are mustelids. Before considering obtaining a permit to keep an otter, it is important to thoroughly research the requirements and responsibilities involved. Even if it is legal to have an otter as a pet, many exotic pet curators do not go through proper channels to capture and sell animals. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. I spearfish the invasive fish in the eel river and have had wild otters swimming feet away from me eating the fish I kill. Instead, consider visiting them at a zoo or wildlife sanctuary, where you can observe and appreciate these amazing animals in a safe and responsible manner. Pool should make up about 30% of the enclosure. Its various extant subspecies, numbering a total of 13, can be found on almost every continent (its too cold in Antarctica, apparently), and come in a range of shapes and sizes, and levels of ferocity. Asian otters require a tropical climate and room to explore and play. But shipping can be stressful, even if managed by a careful courier, so it is advised to go directly to a zoo, private breeder or animal educator, and enquire in person. These include many species of native birds (mostly parrots), some captive-bred reptiles and frogs from a licensed breeder or society. I guess they'd much rather be coddled and have everything handed to them SMH. Even if you are granted a permit, you will need to provide proper care for the otter and follow strict regulations. Are otters legal in New York? The answer is no. However, they will probably warn you against going down the route of otter husbandry, for the reasons I have outlined in this guide. And if they do, it could get messy. Or in a zoo? In some cases, it is possible to obtain a permit to own an otter. You can supplement the diet with monkey nuts, soft-boiled eggs, crayfish and insects, introduced at irregular intervals with a scatter method. My dogs have full access to run outside and play in the backyard but they choose to stay inside on a bed watching tv and eatting treats. Cole West from Birmingham, West Midlands on March 03, 2020: Anya Ali from Rabwah, Pakistan on February 01, 2020: This certainly put me off the idea of ever getting one. Cats Domesticated Themselves, Ancient DNA Shows. While it's common to keep dogs and cats as pets, other unique and interesting animals including reptiles, insects, amphibians and terrestrial . Smell may seem a minor consideration, but should not be overlooked. They are mustelids which means they belong to the same family as weasels, minks and badgers, but form a part of the subfamily Lutrinae. you, have, a, pet, otter, in, australia, can. Objects, such as hollowed-out lots, well-placed shrubs and trees, and items of cage furniture. Pet Collars & Leashes Pet Furniture Pet Clothing & Shoes . The IUCN guidelines don't even provide a the space for a single otter as otters are social animals that need at least one other otter for company. Not all countries have strict protection laws and many otter populations are already in decline. Poor animals in those cages, would you like to be in jail ? Members of the Mustelidae family, otters are related to weasels, badgers, honey badgers, martens, minks, polecats and wolverines. They love water so it is best if you have a body of water nearby for them to frolic in. These have brought significant problems and it is very questionable if exotic animals will fare well in such environments. Otters require a large enclosure with access to water, a specialized diet, veterinary care, and enrichment to keep them mentally and physically healthy. It is illegal to own most otter species as pets. 12:16. They do not fall under the same laws because they are not technically marine mammals. There are several strict guidelines concerning their care and upkeep, but, in theory, you can keep an Asian small-clawed otter as a pet in some states of the USA. Can you pet otters? Additionally, otters can have sharp teeth and claws that can cause injury. Taking feathers directly from the bird so the scent is present, and scatter them in various places. In the United States, it is legal to own an otter with a license, although regulations vary from state to state. Answer: Australia is extremely strict with entry and exportation of exotics, so no. Here are a few to get you started, plus some basic information about how they fit into the otter pet trade: 1. It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. Dont take my word for it read this! I am currently an ecological project officer at Middlemarch Environmental Ltd. Retrieved on 29 November, 2019. I have grown up in the redwoods of California. In most countries, only dogs and miniature horses are recognized as therapy animals. Because they are cute is not a valid reason for keeping captive otters, even if it is an enjoyable bonus. Although the ferret needs their own considerations when adopted into a family, they are more suited to the role of domestic pet and are a good recommendation for those who previously considered having an otter as a pet. A otter is a species protected by both state and federal wildlife laws, and it is illegal to take them from the wild. For example, most states have bans on big cats, primates, and bears, but in states that allow more surprising species as pets, the majority of counties and towns dont allow it. You may be asked to demonstrate this. I cannot recommend any otter species as a personal "pet," although a few have maintained a strong bond with their handler their entire life. The local authority's regulations will need to be assessed before it could even be considered. Giant otter: Native to South America, these otters are very large, quite noisy, and actually very social. All pets have at least some bans on exotic pets, even if they sometimes don't make complete sense. Theyre very intelligent and need so much stimulation , just like an African parrot but maybe 10 times more. In some cases, it may be possible to keep an otter with the proper permits and licenses. DeKay's Brown Snake. some native mammals, particularly wallabies and kangaroos, are prone to diseases caused by the stress of contact with humans, domestic pets (cats and dogs) and noise. 2005 - 2023 WebMD LLC. As mentioned earlier, they have specific needs that are challenging to meet in a domestic setting. If you like animals you can cuddle, ferrets are popular domesticated pets and can be a fine substitute for their larger and aquatic brown cousins. Squirrels as Pets - Is It OK to Have a Pet Squirrel? Wildlife rehabilitation centers These centers take in injured or orphaned wild animals and care for them until they can be released back into the wild. Otters have an odor that lingers around them. South Carolina: In South Carolina, otter ownership is allowed with a permit from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. They belong in the wild, where they can swim, run, hunt and live freely. Otters can be destructive. If you have a dog in your home, they can get into fights with your otter., Dogs and otters can transmit diseases to each other as well. They are expensive to buy and house. And I really want to pet or hold hands with an otter. However, Asian small-clawed otters, despite being the otter species best suited for captivity, are not commonly kept, even in the exotic pet-keeping community. In most countries, otters are considered wild animals, and it is illegal to buy or sell them. most native mammals are nocturnal and some, such as possums and gliders, can only be kept .

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can you have an otter as a pet in australia